Cohen, M.S., Laskey, K.B., and Ulvila, J.W.
The management of uncertainty in intelligence data: A self-reconciling
evidential database Falls Church, VA: Decision Science Consortium,
Inc., June 1987.
Cohen, M.S., Laskey, K.B., Chinnis, J.O., Jr.,
and Ulvila, J.W. Report on uncertainty models: Identification
and critical analysis of models of uncertainty with potential
applicability to intelligence data bases. Falls Church, VA:
Decision Science Consortium, Inc., March 1986.
Cohen, M.S. "A framework for non-monotonic reasoning
about probabilistic assumptions." Proceedings of Workshop on
Uncertainty and Probability in Artificial Intelligence. Los
Angeles, CA: University of California. August 14-August 16,
1985 (sponsored by RCA and AAAI).
Cohen, M.S., Schum, D.A., Freeling, A.N.S.,
and Chinnis, J.O., Jr. On the art and science of hedging a conclusion:
Alternative theories of uncertainty in intelligence analysis.
Falls Church, VA: Decision Science Consortium, Inc., August
Army Engineering Topographic Laboratory
Cohen, M.S. (1986). An expert system framework
for non-monotonic reasoning about probabilistic assumptions.
In J.F. Lemmer and L.N. Kanal (Eds.) Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Co.
Cohen, M.S., Laskey, K.B., and Ulvila, J.W.
Report on methods of estimating uncertainty: Application of
alternate inference theories to ABM site localization problems.
Falls Church, VA: Decision Science Consortium, July 1986.
Cohen, M.S., Watson, S.R., and Barrett, E. Alternative
theories of inference in expert systems for image analysis .
Falls Church, VA: Decision Science Consortium, Inc., January
Laskey, K.B., Black, P.K., Cohen, M.S., McIntyre,
J.R., Roman, W.G., and Vane, Russell, R. Consensus theory in
expert systems: An adaptive inference framework and application
to image understanding Reston, VA: Decision Science Consortium,
Inc., December 1988.
Wright Labs
Cohen, M.S. Decision making "biases" and support
for assumption-based higher-order reasoning. Proceedings of
the Fifth Workshop on Uncertainty and AI, Windsor, Ontario,
August 1989.
Cohen, M.S., Laskey, K.B., McIntyre, J.R., and
Thompson, B.B. An expert system framework for adaptive evidential
reasoning: Application to in-flight route re-planning. Falls
Church, VA: Decision Science Consortium, Inc., March 1986.
Cohen, M.S. and Laskey, K.B. An application
of non-monotonic probabilistic reasoning to air force threat
correlation. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Uncertainty
in Artificial Intelligence, June 1986.
Laskey, K.B., Black, P.K., Cohen, M.S., Fitzgerald,
T., Martin, A.W., McIntyre, J.R., and Roman, W.G. Artificial
intelligence development for pilot aid applications: Phase II
final report Reston, VA: Decision Science Consortium, Inc.,
January 1989.