Global Wisdom, Inc.

GlobalWisdom, Inc. is an emerging technology company concerned with collaborative cognition and knowledge management for distributed communities.

The founders of Global Wisdom, Inc., are Marvin Cohen and Bryan Thompson (of Cognitive Technologies, Inc.), and Lokendra Shastri (of the International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, CA). CTI and ICSI have an outstanding history of collaborative research in theories and computational models of human cognition. CTI research investigates how people manage uncertainty, conflict and risk. CTI also develops critical thinking skills training to help people learn to manage uncertainty. ICSI research has developed new computational algorithms for modeling human cognition.

Global Wisdom, Inc. :

  1. develops advanced knowledge management technology;
  2. packages, markets and sells that technology; and
  3. provides customization and integration services for clients.

Its primary technology is a scalable infrastructure for collaborative cognition. This infrastructure enables people to gather in communities of practice, share knowledge, and leverage that knowledge to support search, critical thinking, decision making, and collaborative relationship building. By integrating embedded training for critical thinking skills, the technology helps people to make better decisions, and to become better decision makers.

Copyright © 2000-2011 Cognitive Technologies, Inc.
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